Your Contract and Retirement Options

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In addition to whatever regular pension plan or alternative tax-deferred plan may be in place, your union contract may provide for other options.  For example, you may find that once you reach a certain age, or have been with the employer long enough, you may have the right to have a “phased retirement,” meaning that you can choose to have a reduced work schedule.  Or the contract may allow “buyouts,” permitting certain employees to leave with either a cash settlement or a reduced retirement payout.
—Adapted from The Union Member's Complete Guide, by Michael Mauer

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Services Overview

Fields include power generation (power plants), power distribution (transmission and distribution), call/service center employees, as well as natural gas and water utilities.

Contact Us Utility Workers of America AFL - CIO Local 127

Represents Utility Workers in municipal, as well as publicly traded Utilities.

Address: 540 N. Warehouse Rd. Casper, WY 82601
Phone: 307-237-2614